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Sculpsure Body Contouring

The SculpSure device provides treatments for non-invasive body contouring that permanently reduces stubborn fat without surgery or downtime.

Sometimes leading a healthy life style is not enough to lost weight. We are all naturally afflicted by certain stubborn deposits of fats in our bodies. However, through the usage of our body contouring program we can help you to reduce these fat cells and help you to achieve your goals. Here at Bluewater, we use Sculpsure™ to help our patients to safely, and efficiently remove of those stubborn fat cells.

How it works

  1. The machine uses lasers to safely heat up fat cells under the skin, without affecting the skin’s surface.
  2. The laser will then proceed to heat up the targeted fat cells and damage their structural integrity.
  3. Once the last treatment has been completed. The damaged fat cells will be naturally removed by your body’s lymphatic system.
  4. Over the course of 6-12 weeks the damaged fat cells will be permanently removed.

Treatment Details

  • Flexible Treatment plans
  • FDA approved
  • Target and Reduces fat cells as quickly as 25 minutes.
  • Non-invasive and no recovery time- you’ll be able get back to your day as soon as the treatment has been completed

This simple procedure generally only needs 2 treatments taken 6 weeks apart. But every patient is different and may have different goals in mind. We recommend to give us a call and get in touch with us through a consultation so we can help you to achieve your goal.

Through the guidance of our physicians and our Beauty Experts we can help you to build a treatment plan to best suit your desires.

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